Red Barn Pottery is built in a beautiful, historic, Craftsman barn that has been recently renovated into a state-of-the-art pottery studio.  The original barn is home to 6 professional grade wheels, a dedicated glazing area, a wedging table, work tables, shelving, and storage rooms.  The barn's arched knotty pine ceiling and the original laminated curved wood beams, are works of art in themselves and provide a relaxing artistic environment.

The original barn, showing the knotty pine ceiling and laminated beams. The barn was built from a sears roebuck kit in the 1940s.

The original barn, showing the knotty pine ceiling and laminated beams. The barn was built from a sears roebuck kit in the 1940s.

The studio is nestled in a beautiful wooded setting.  There are several beautiful gardens on the grounds, and there are wood-chipped pathways meandering through the woods down to the Red Cedar River.  Outside of the studio is a cozy fire-ring for late-night bonfires.

Garden view of red barn pottery studios

Garden view of red barn pottery studios

The firepit. Join us for a late-night fire while waiting for the kiln to reach temperature.

The firepit. Join us for a late-night fire while waiting for the kiln to reach temperature.

A 1200 square foot modern addition is adjacent to the original barn and connected by a 10 foot corridor. Both buildings are heated with in-floor radiant heat, providing a comfortable working environment.

The addition has five private 10 x 10 foot individual studios, one of which is occupied by the owner, Jane Hildebrand.  Since the owner herself works in the studio, she is available to the members, associates, and students, for any comments, questions or concerns that they may have. 

A private studio of one of our members

A private studio of one of our members

Another views of the private studios outfitted by and for our members below.  

Private studios

Private studios

The new addition contains a slab roller, a wedging/work table, a counter, a utility sink, cabinets and storage shelving.  French doors open into an unheated 400 square foot dedicated kiln room.  The kiln room is home to a small test kiln, two 8 cubic foot electric studio kilns, and a gas fired 40 cubic foot car kiln shown below. 

The car kiln shown above, was purchased in Grand Rapids, deconstructed brick by brick and moved to it's new home at Red Barn Pottery.  The base is on rails and can be moved into the studio through the adjoining French doors for loading and unloading in heated comfort during the winter.  The kilns are fired in a separate room with venting to the outdoors to eliminate any health or safety hazards.

Red Barn potters are looking forward to firing their pots in their new kiln.

Studio Policies:

  • Everyone is responsible for keeping the studio clean and safe.

  • Please follow any posted signs, equipment, and teacher Instructions.

  • Be courteous to others working in the studio, including cleaning up after yourself, returning any tools or equipment as you found it, and keeping the volume of any sound equipment at a level that will not bother others.

  • Members and associates may purchase clay from Red Barn Pottery at cost.  Unless Jane gives specific permission based on a particular clay's firing characteristics, no outside clay may be brought into, used, or fired in the studio. 

  • Red Barn Pottery is dedicated to continuing education.  If you have any ideas about pottery workshops we could hold, or professionals we could invite to teach a class or workshop, please click here to pass those ideas on to Jane Hildebrand or other members.

  • Since Red Barn Pottery is a newly operational facility, policies will be introduced and adjusted over time, as Jane Hildebrand, members and associates gain experience in it's day-to-day operation.